Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nursing in Public

A friend of mine just posted on her blog about nursing her toddler in public:

It is well written and interesting recap of her nursing journey. I smiled brightly as she described the joy of gazing into a toddler's eyes as they nurse. Sadly, the night before I read this post, I had been harassed for nursing in public.

I was at a restaurant last night and Ella was being particularly cute choosing her nursing position. She had fallen right before we left and had pretty scratched up knees. She wanted to nurse in a position so she could look at the scraps. She finally laid in my lap like a newborn and latched. We were completely covered by my shirt (not that it mattered!). This table of 3 started to loudly give a play by play. "Oh my god! That is disgusting having that baby hang off her titty" The place was loud so I could barely hear them. I looked away and started talking to my husband but they continued with their conversation. Then, every time Ella did something they would say "Can you believe it? That baby can walk and she is still doing that!" "That baby can eat a chip!" "That baby can drink from a straw" It was so annoying! I had planned all of these different scenarios out if they spoke to me. But, I ignored it and they left. I still plan to nurse in public but am hurt that Ella has to be exposed to that.

Like Ally, I had not planned to nurse Ella for 2 years (see one of my first blog posts here). In fact, at my first La Leche League meeting someone mentioned that they were nursing their older child. I turned to the leader next to me and said "I will NEVER do that!" She smiled and said "It is okay. Most women do not." Ella will be 2 next month and we are still going strong!

I am very confident in my nursing relationship, my right to nurse, and the value it has for Ella. We usually nurse in the Ergo and when people ask what she is doing i casually say she is nursing. Ella calls it "Nurse please" so there is no secret when he asks for it. I am proud to be a breastfeeding mother. But, I usually use the WHO recommendations that recommend a baby nurse for "two years and beyond". That usually clams people down but now we are going to be hitting that two years and I wonder if people will hear the "and beyond" anymore.

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months. Nursing is too valuable a tool for me to stop nursing in public. It calms her after a fall, it distracts her from running around a restaurant, and it still allows me to connect with her if my attention has to be averted. It also creates some of the best moments of my day.

I LOVE breastfeeding but I do not always love having to constantly defend it.

Here are my nursing photos:

Photo Taken by Amanda Giley

Photo Taken by Amanda Giley

Photo Taken by Amanda Giley


